Time Strategies
Completing my first year of college was a significant part of my life and I feel like I have improved on many skills that will help me in the future. Time management was something that I really struggled with when it came to secondary school. I would constantly do my homework last minute and I had no motivation whatsoever when it came to studying for tests. I sense that being in college has shaped my time management skills since the projects / assignments are right up my alley.
I have been using some strategies to help me with my time management like writing down checklists, and keeping a journal with all my due dates in it. For this semester I'm most likely going to procrastinate less after that long break we had, I was constantly bored and I needed to keep myself busy and now I have exactly that!
For Multimedia I feel like working ahead will keep me occupied, I'm doing it right now and I don't feel like i've wasted any time so I'm going to try and keep that positive mindset for the rest of the semester. Last year - checklists were my friend especially when it came to the big projects for instance web development! I had to create a website and I made a checklist for everyday, this checklist consisted of doing a page a day and it worked fabulously! Brainstorming helped out as well because I was able to think ahead when it came to certain things and I was able to elaborate on topics.
The first article I read on time management strategies can be found HERE
I feel like I'm way more excited after I've completed a small task on my checklist and after reading that article I was surprised that it's to do with the dopamine levels in our brain! I am way more motivated and I feel like I want to do more in terms of my project. I've seen it in my boyfriend too, he's obsessed with learning dutch on Duolingo and their app is built to keep the person motivated because you have something called a "streak" this means the longer you go, the more days it counts. You also get achievements on the app which "our brains view as rewards". I also use checklists before I travel, I check off places I want to visit and restaurants I want to experience.
The second article I read on time management strategies can be found HERE
I always felt like the word "procrastinate" didn't fit with the meaning. I'm constantly putting off doing something when it comes to my personal life like cleaning my room, washing a dish, going out and breathing the fresh air. In terms of college I mostly put off huge projects, before I start something I get extremely overwhelmed and I don't know what to do so breaking it in sub-tasks seems reasonable and it's something that i'll try to incorporate into my future projects!
I'm probably going to record a lot of emotions in this blog in the near future so be prepared, I mean this is only the beginning and I have no idea what's coming.
-Anna Zurawska
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