Feedback Strategies

These past couple of weeks I have gotten a lot of feedback from my lecturers. I've written down notes on what I should improve on in terms of my work and I even went as far as writing down feedback that has been said to other groups so I could improve on it myself too. I didn't really pay much attention to how my lecturers were giving me feedback before I read that growth mindset article, I've been starting to notice how they provide me with constructive criticism yet they also compliment aspects of my work which I find extremely helpful. 

I read an article on "Preschoolers and Praise: What kinds of messages Help Kids Grow?" and here are my thoughts on it.

Process praise can be so beneficial to kids if you use it the correct way. I feel like a growth mindset can be established from it especially when primary and secondary school students are given harder tasks to solve. I had a constant fixed mindset in primary school as I wasn't born in Ireland so during my first days of it I didn't quite understand anything my teacher was saying to me because my english was awful. I don't know how I managed to learn it so quick but young kids have a much faster way of recognising things because their brains are constantly learning. Children are regularly asking questions about their work so it's the perfect opportunity to help them learn and give them feedback that they can improve on in the future. My college friends are extremely helpful in terms of giving me feedback about my work and I do the same for them. We are very honest and if we don't like something we will say it and give them an alternate solution, I don't feel like it's embarrassing because lecturers can't be there for us 24/7! In stressful situations we don't tend to bombard them with questions because we feel like we're intruding them. Maybe it's to do with the environment we're taught in secondary schools and whenever we ask questions we automatically get turned down or they don't elaborate on what they want from us? 

I also read an article on "Why Do So Many Managers Avoid Giving Praise?" and here are my thoughts on it.

During my year working in Dunnes Stores I had to constantly move between tasks even if I had no idea how to work certain things. I first worked as a cashier, then a manager would tell me to work on the floor and after that I got put in the deli for the remainder of my time. I never got genuine feedback on how I was doing and it kind of frustrated me because I wanted to get better at certain tasks for the future. I feel like in regular jobs the manager should give feedback as well, it's not like they're busy all the time? There were 5 managers in the store and half of them would walk around and fix things every now and again and give out orders. If you want to make your working environment better you should always talk to your employee and give them constructive feedback. Bossy managers who tell people what to do will never be respected unless they start treating us like humans. We strive to be better at what we do even if it means working a small job. The job might be boring but it will make us way more motivated and it will make us happier to see you. The article taught me that managers see themselves at a different light than we do and I 100% believe that because i've witnessed it myself.

-Anna Zurawska


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