Feedback thoughts within my life

 Feedback was something I always feared, In school I would try to avoid it as much as possible because I knew in my head that I did an awful job. Exams weren't really my strong suit as I found them incredibly difficult, my focus was constantly on the time which didn't help at all. As I got older I realised that in order for me to improve at certain things, I needed feedback so I began to ask for it. Feedback doesn't have to involve school, it can be feedback on your personal relationship whether it's family or a significant other. Using your feedback wisely can help fix things in your life you didn't know needed fixing and it can also be tremendously useful! 

 I decided to read articles that I felt were relevant to me and "why rejection hurts so much" was one of them. Here is the link if you want to read it yourself!

I have an extreme phobia of rejection, even more so when it's to do with personal matters. My thoughts elapse at an exceedingly alarming rate so I tend to keep myself busy when it comes to getting rejected. As I read this article and I came across the fact that our brains are both wired to physical and emotional pain when it comes to rejection so it all made sense to me. Immediately after experiencing rejection, we always list hundreds of other things that we did wrong in the past and I'm a victim to that. I should be more kind to myself and I should think of a list of things that my family and friends tell me I'm good at instead of thinking about the negatives. I think everyone should know their self-worth because it's extremely important when it comes down to mental health. Don't be so harsh on yourself when you experience rejection, if you get turned down in terms of a job opportunity you were looking forward to, apply for more! If you ask someone out and they ignore you, go out with your friends instead and have a good time with them! There's always a solution to these problems we create in our heads, we just have to be patient.

This is the next article I read that I thought was relevant to me, It's "Silence the critical voices in your head"

These two weeks of college have been extremely stressful for no reason, It's nothing to do with the workload itself, its the fact that I'm trying to do them at a fast pace and I get upset when an assignment gets too hard for me and I end up telling myself that I'm never going to get it finished. I feel like communicating with your lecturers is so important even when it comes down to a dumb question. Last year I had the same exact problem with my projects, I didn't really know what I was doing and when my lecturer provided me with feedback I was able to elaborate on that, I was a little bit upset because I did everything in my power to make something work but the lecturer wanted more. Negative responses to feedback should be so normal at this stage yet it still daunts us which is frustrating, be proud of how far you've come in terms of your assignments, ask your friends for advice and see what they respond with, think of feedback as a way for you to better yourself and your work. Look for the positives!!

-Anna Zurawska


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