Unity Tutorial 06
Lesson 3.4
During this tutorial we learned all about sound effects and particles. We incorporated sound effects when the player jumped and when the player collided with the fence. We also put in music to make the game more of a fun experience for the player. I can't wait to play around with particles and sounds when it comes to my own game, I have a feeling I will spend a long time getting this perfect as it's easy. I really like the variety of different things that they give us in the game. The different characters, the sound effects, I kind of play around with the same ones but I have looked at other blogs and found that they dabbled in different objects and characters.
Challenge 3
I'm finding these challenges difficult to understand. I just feel overwhelmed when having something in front of me that I don't quite understand. I was able to move the background by looking back on the previous code. I was also able to move the balloon at spawn instead of it being stuck in the same position. I also had to move the particles inside the balloon which was pretty easy. In spawn manager there was a mistake which I automatically solved, instead of "spawnobjects" it said "prawnobjects" which was not correct so I managed to get the money symbols and the bombs spawning! This took me a solid hour and a half to solve and I had to look through youtube videos and I found one which helped me figure out what I needed to do. The person solving the tutorial was just talking through it, he wasn't really typing in code which I found was better as it gave me the opportunity to solve it myself!
-Anna Zurawska
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