Unity Tutorial 10
Lesson 5.4
In this tutorial we made a title screen which include different types of difficulties - easy, medium and hard. We changed the spawn rate by coding the difficulty button scripts as well as the game manager. For some reason my lesson didn't save and I only have a blank screen but you can see the difficulty button texts on the side as well as the "difficulty button" script.
Challenge 5
In this challenge I was able to mess around with the placement of the difficulty buttons as it was easy enough since they were messed up in the title screen. As usual for the rest of the challenge I went to look through Youtube tutorials because I was stuck on what to do. I was able to go back in the previous unity tutorial I did before the challenge and I changed it so the difficulty buttons actually changed the difficulty. There's a really cool Youtuber who goes through the process of each tutorial without actually doing it step by step, he just talks through the process which makes me kind of figure it out by myself, his name is Langdon Dresser.
-Anna Zurawska
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