Game Modifications (Player Communities) - Reading 09

Hello! For this weeks task we had to give critical feedback to two students in relation to their introduction and conclusion for the overall paper that they wrote. I don't really know how to give general feedback because I don't know how to describe what's wrong so I just left comments on what I thought they could change and gave them an example in their sentences. So I basically corrected their introduction and conclusion whenever they made a spelling mistake or if they had started a new sentence where it didn't make sense. 

I didn't receive feedback myself although one person commented saying that my conclusion and introduction was good. I tried to look back over my own stuff and see what I needed to correct but I honestly didn't know where to start without receiving feedback. I didn't mind though because a lot of people are swamped with work since it's basically easter. 

For the h5p programme I was so confused on what to do. Their website is tricky to understand or I'm just clicking in the wrong spots. I didn't know where I could do a word search so instead I made a "true or false" quiz. I first went on word document and decided to brainstorm for my ideas. 

These are my true or false sentences

The modding community can only make minor alterations to game artefacts.

A Lua Scripting language is a developmental tool made by the gaming industry.

Online modding platforms such as Simtropolis are only used for downloading mods.

The modding community only develop skills to do with programming.

Games such as Counter-Strike, Garry's mod, and DOTA came out of the half-life 2 engine.

Counter-strike is a total alteration that became its own game due to its popularity.

Extensive modifications involve substituting or expanding on certain elements within a game.

User interface customisations are mods that split the game into its basic components.

Game mods can be divided into characters, game mechanics, item availability, artefacts and environments.

Game developers need the modding community in order to extend the shelf-life and the popularity of a game. 

-Anna Zurawska


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