Time Strategies
Completing my first year of college was a significant part of my life and I feel like I have improved on many skills that will help me in the future. Time management was something that I really struggled with when it came to secondary school. I would constantly do my homework last minute and I had no motivation whatsoever when it came to studying for tests. I sense that being in college has shaped my time management skills since the projects / assignments are right up my alley. I have been using some strategies to help me with my time management like writing down checklists, and keeping a journal with all my due dates in it. For this semester I'm most likely going to procrastinate less after that long break we had, I was constantly bored and I needed to keep myself busy and now I have exactly that! For Multimedia I feel like working ahead will keep me occupied, I'm doing it right now and I don't feel like i've wasted any time so I'm going to try and keep that posi...