Game Modifications (Player Communities) - Reading 09

Hello! For this weeks task we had to give critical feedback to two students in relation to their introduction and conclusion for the overall paper that they wrote. I don't really know how to give general feedback because I don't know how to describe what's wrong so I just left comments on what I thought they could change and gave them an example in their sentences. So I basically corrected their introduction and conclusion whenever they made a spelling mistake or if they had started a new sentence where it didn't make sense. I didn't receive feedback myself although one person commented saying that my conclusion and introduction was good. I tried to look back over my own stuff and see what I needed to correct but I honestly didn't know where to start without receiving feedback. I didn't mind though because a lot of people are swamped with work since it's basically easter. For the h5p programme I was so confused on what to do. Their website is tricky to...